Responsible Floodplain Management

Poor floodplain management practices endanger our natural rivers.

Inappropriate development of floodplains has led to significant environmental and societal issues. Floodplains, which are areas adjacent to rivers and streams subject to flooding, play a crucial role in absorbing and mitigating floodwaters. However, when these areas are developed without proper planning and consideration of their natural functions, the consequences can be dire. We know where flooding occurs, it is time to protect our future!

Increased Flood Risk

Inappropriate development on floodplains leaves entire communities at heightened risk of flooding. Buildings, roads, and other infrastructure in these areas can obstruct the natural flow of water, leading to more severe and frequent flooding events. As a result, properties and lives are put in jeopardy. The economic impact is also significant, as flooding can cause extensive damage to homes, businesses, and public infrastructure.

Economic Costs

The financial burden of poor floodplain management is immense. As flooding becomes more frequent and severe, the costs associated with recovery and rebuilding rise. Taxpayers often bear the brunt of these expenses, which can amount to billions of dollars annually. The pressure to "fix" flooding problems through expensive engineering solutions, such as levees, dams, and floodwalls, further strains public resources. Decisions now dictate future costs!

Political and Social Pressure

The increasing frequency and severity of flooding events, affecting more homes, lead to mounting calls and political pressure for immediate solutions. This often results in reactive, rather than proactive, measures. Short-term fixes may provide temporary relief but do not address the underlying issues of poor floodplain management. Sustainable and integrated approaches that consider long-term environmental and societal impacts are essential for mitigating flood risks effectively.


To address these challenges, it is crucial to adopt better floodplain management practices. This includes:

  1. Preserving and restoring natural floodplains to maintain their ecological functions.

  2. Implementing stricter regulations on development in flood-prone areas.

  3. Promoting the use of green infrastructure such as wetlands, green roofs, and permeable surfaces to enhance flood resilience.

  4. Encouraging community involvement and education on the importance of floodplain management.

  5. Investing in research and technology to improve flood prediction and response strategies.

By taking a comprehensive and sustainable approach, we can protect our natural rivers, reduce flood risks, and minimize the economic and social impacts on our communities.

