Donate It All Begins With You!

In the last two decades, pressure from development has been degrading our once pristine rivers. Our Board of Directors, having decades of combined experience fighting for the rivers, envision a full time advocacy organization to balance overzealous and poor land development practices. Your donation today will advance the vision of a grassroots, citizen funded Northshore Riverwatch. Help us protect and restore the water and floodplains.

Northshore Riverwatch is classified as a 501 (c)(3) non-profit charity by the standards of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Therefore you donation may be tax deductible to the extent provided by law.


Volunteer Help Us Save the Rivers!

We need volunteers for many different activities. Can you help organize events? Can you attend and/or speak in support of the rivers at Public Hearings. We need good writers and photographers to volunteer. We are planning a water assessment and testing program that will need volunteers. Let us know your strengths and interests! Can you volunteer access to a waterbody for study and testing? Want to learn how to be a better advocate? As we build, there will be more volunteer opportunities.